Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Where have I been?? Exciting News

Hello! Long time no post I know.

But it was for a good reason I promise...


Yay :) Yup we are getting married and I couldn't be happier. 

It all started with me coming home from work on the 12th (the day before my birthday) to a house full of balloons and a sign on the wall telling me to pack my bags. As you can imagine I was pretty stoked, Blake had arranged with my work for me to have some time off and he booked us flights to his home town Geelong, Victoria. 

So that night was spent packing and the next morning we were on a plane to Geelong :)

The proposal happened on Saturday afternoon (15th Dec). He told me we were heading to his brother's place which is on the coast, however, we were going a different route then normal *my first hint something was going on* Blake then announced that we'd just quickly pop down to Bell's Beach to take a look at the surf.

It was at the look out at Bell's Beach where he popped the question. I wasn't all that shocked as I had been expecting him to ask me for a while now but I still cried when he asked!

The biggest shock was how gorgeous the ring he chose was and that he had chosen it all by himself! No-one else knew what was going on. 

The next day we got to celebrate with Blake's family and friends and even had my mum, step-dad, sister and nephew surprise us by flying overnight to be with us to celebrate on Sunday.

It was very much a whirl-wind trip and things have just been so busy since with Christmas yesterday and starting to plan the wedding! Blake originally told me I had 2 months but I have managed to sort some sense into him and give us until October next year haha.

So yeah that is where I have been! I will be sure to start more regular posting again soon. 

I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and are gearing up for a great new years!!

Hannah xox

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Review: Mask in a Cup

At home face masks are one of my little luxuries in life. I love whacking a mask on when I am feeling stressed and it instantly relaxes me. Mud masks are probably my favourite kind of mask so when I was offered the chance to test out a few from Terra 2Skin I jumped at the opportunity. 

Mask in a Cup is made from active clays "which are extracted under strict conditions and naturally sun-dried to ensure that their active mineral contents and rich trace elements are retained, silica, magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorous and zinc to name a few".

I was very interested in the how the clay was beneficial for the skin. Terra 2Skin explains that the clay is "naturally absorbent, detoxifying and draws toxins, excess oil and impurities from the skin." They also explain that "the rich minerals and trace elements naturally contained within the clay are also a drink for your skin, replenishing the necessary nutrients that our busy lifestyle, lack of sleep or pollution may have depleted".

The mask was super easy to use. All you need to do is lift off the lid, add 30mL of water and stir using the spatula provided. The instructions explain to only use the wooden spatula provided as metal can affect the  clays elements. Using this spatula you then apply the mask to your face. It is very easy to control as it has a paste like consistency that slides onto your skin.

There is quite a lot of product in the container, even after layering it on I still had plenty for another use. You could definitely get three uses out of the one container. It says you can store it for 2-3 days under cling-wrap, otherwise you could simply split up the powder into three uses before adding the water.

When applied to the skin it has a cooling feeling and as it dries it tightens on the skin. The drying time depends on the thickness of application. With a thin layer it took about ten-fifteen minutes to dry. The instructions tell you to remove the mask with warm water, but if you are anything like me I love pulling off the big chunks of clay first before I remove the remainder with water. (Yeah I'm a sicko like know the kind of people that use the pore strips and examine what comes out - that's me! haha)

The mask left my skin feeling clean and looking brighter. I definitely recommend these masks, they made my skin feel really clean and soft and it was super easy to use. The benefits of the clay on your skin are also very impressive.

Just applied
Mask drying (I put a bit too
much on the cheeks!)

Mask in a Cup retails for $8.99AUD each and can be purchased here. I definitely recommend trying these out especially if you like mud masks. They are great value as you can get at least 3 uses from each cup. There are a few different kinds to choose from; including ones for dry skin, oily skin, aged skin, tired skin and sensitive skin.

Have you tried these out?? Are you a face mask fan??

Hannah xox

**Product provided for review, but my opinion is 100% honest as per my disclosure policy :)